The Metabolic Upgrade

Every Saturday morning, you'll get 1 or more actionable nutrition or lifestyle tip to help you with your weight loss journey.

Simple Tips to Fix a Slow Metabolism (Thyroid)

hormones metabolism thyroid Aug 26, 2023

A slow metabolism stinks. The unfortunate reality is that if you have one, you probably already know. But if you’re unsure, there are some simple observations you can make that'll let you know if your metabolism is crawling.

First, let’s talk about your thyroid. Simply put, your thyroid is your master metabolic gland. High thyroid function, output, and tissue sensitivity to thyroid hormones would indicate a fast metabolism - think about little kids. They’re always hot, can swim in 38 degree water all day and never get cold, and then they have limitless energy.

Since the thyroid and metabolism are intricately connected here are some signs you might experience if your thyroid and metabolism aren’t functioning the way you’d like:

  • You're cold all the time, particularly your hands, feet, and nose.
    1. (Pro tip) If you're cold all the time check your temp under the armpit in the morning. If it's less than 97.5 degrees, it’s a good sign that your thyroid is functioning at a suboptimal level
  • If your heart rate is regularly below 72 beats per minute. Definitely if it’s below 60 bpm.
  • You can't lose weight no matter how many calories you restrict. (This isn’t good for your thyroid anyway)
  • If you have high cholesterol. Thyroid hormone is needed to turnover cholesterol into other hormones like progesterone and testosterone. Hmmm interesting.
  • You're tired all the time.
  • You're stressed, anxious, or feeling down. It's pretty intuitive actually - if cellular metabolism or your thyroid isn't functioning properly, are you going to be high energy and happy, or low energy and depressed? Probably low energy and depressed.

Tips to Improve Your Thyroid for Weight Loss

1. Diets low in protein can cause a suppression of the thyroid gland so eat more protein, particularly from beef, organ meats, eggs, and oysters.

2. Focus on Detoxing your liver - The majority of thyroid hormone is converted to its active form in the liver so if your liver is over burdened you may experience a poor conversion rate.

  • Two of the biggest offenders that impair liver function are alcohol and polyunsaturated fats. Both of these also directly suppress thyroid signaling as well. So cut these out.

3. The cumulative effect of stress can lead to a chronic down regulation of thyroid output. So heavy caloric restriction, excessive long term fasting, poor light environments, emotional stress, and too much cardio should be avoided as much as possible.

4. Get rid of plastics.  Bisphenols from BPA, BPS, and BPF are endocrine disruptors found in plastics and act as thyroid receptor antagonists (inhibits thyroid). Use glass as much as you can.

5. Get more sunlight. Vitamin D insufficiency is linked to thyroid autoimmunity - obviously not good for weight loss

Everyone wants a quick win, but revitalizing your thyroid function can take some time. 

Enjoy the weekend! Talk to you next week.



PS: I take requests and suggestions. Let me know if there's anything you want me to write about or make a video about. Would love to hear from you!

Whenever you're ready, there are three ways we can help you:

1. đŸ‹đŸ» Metabolic Training:  A step-by-step series of workouts for beginners that support longterm fat loss

2. đŸ€ One-on-One Coaching: Work with one of my expert weight loss coaches, get a fully customized fat-loss program, catered to your unique lifestyle, needs, and challenges

3. đŸ’Ș The Metabolic Mastery (Coming Soon): A fat loss blueprint that revitalizes your body, optimizes your metabolism, and guides you to actually lose weight and keep it off for good


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